• Runamok Maple Adds Sparkle to Vermont’s Working Landscape

    By Christine McGowan, Vermont Forest Industry Network Journals of early explorers indicate that Native Americans had a process for making maple syrup as early as the 1600s. But surely, none of them made Sparkle Syrup. Tapping into a tradition as old as Vermont, Runamok Maple founders Laura...

  • Making a Case for Community-Scale Forestry

    With a mindset of staying small, a sawmill in Fletcher sees wood products as the next “go local” movement. By Christine McGowan, Vermont Forest Industry Network Tucker Riggs, owner of Laughing Stock Farm (LSF) Forest Products in Fletcher, is busier than he’s ever been. As the pandemic...

  • Energy accelerator DeltaClimeVT seeks climate economy entrepreneurs

    The DeltaClimeVT climate economy business accelerator is seeking innovative, early-stage, energy companies focused on increasing adoption of clean energy, smart building and electric vehicle technologies that enable accelerated integration of distributed energy resources without the need for costly infrastructure upgrades. Entrepreneurs will work directly with Vermont...

  • DeltaClimeVT Founder Story: Refrigeration to Help Cool the Planet

    Brattleboro startup, Grid Fruit, provides tools for grocers to optimize energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Passionate about climate change and sustainability, Jesse Thornburg and Javad Mohammadi met in Pennsylvania through their respective research on ways to reduce energy demand on the power grid—the key,...

  • Connecting People to Place, Middlebury Grads Return to VT to Start Woodworking Business

    By Christine McGowan, Vermont Forest Industry Network When three friends at Middlebury College couldn’t find the perfect gift for their boss, they decided to make something special. Nathaniel Klein, Jacob Freedman, and Alex Gemme wanted to thank their supervisor at the Middlebury Snow Bowl for helping...

  • For Olivia’s Croutons Founder, Coaching is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

    Back in 1991 when Francie Caccavo started Olivia’s Croutons, she was simply a young mother looking for a creative way to work from home and be present for her children, then two and three years old. A self-described foodie who loves to cook, Caccavo noticed that...

  • Third Branch Horse Logging Finds Niche for Low-Impact, Sustainable Horse Logging in Vermont

    By Christine McGowan, Vermont Forest Industry Network Brad Johnson would like to see wood products valued for the stand that’s left behind in the forest, not just the dollar value of the wood removed. “The lumber industry is sort of where the food industry was in the...

  • Slowing Down to Go Fast: Luce Farm Wellness Rides the CBD Wave

    When Rebecca and Joe Pimentel moved to Vermont, they envisioned a life of organic farming and raising their family close to the land. “We’ve always been passionate about the food movement and about what we put into our bodies,” said Joe, who began farming commercially...

  • Culverts, Extreme Weather Events and Vermont’s Future Forests

    How Okemo State Forest is using one-time COVID-19 relief money to improve public access and forest resilience. By Christine McGowan, Forest Products Program Director at Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund There is just one road up the backside of Mt. Holly in Okemo State Forest. Originally built in...

  • Vermont Tree Wardens: A Voice for the Forest

    By Christine McGowan, Forest Products Program Director at Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund Updates to Vermont’s 100-year old tree warden statutes provide clarity, opportunity for collaboration. According to Elise Schadler, a program manager with Vermont Urban and Community Forestry, a tree warden is a modern day local lorax—a...

  • Neothermal Energy Storage Wins DeltaClimeVT Energy 2021

    DeltaClimeVT Energy 2021 climate economy business accelerator graduates cohort and announces Neothermal Energy Storage as the winner Entrepreneurs from seven start-ups focused on reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in residential, commercial and industrial buildings graduated from the DeltaClimeVT Energy 2021 climate economy business accelerator...

  • DeltaClimeVT Founder Story: Slowing Climate, Change One Window at a Time

    WexEnergy brings new technology to old windows, improving efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. As Ron Wexler sat in his office one cold winter day back in 2014, he got to thinking about windows. The seven large casement windows in his office allowed natural...