The Farm to Plate Food Cycle Coalition, a task force within the Farm to Plate Network, is comprised of organizations and individuals committed to building healthy and resilient communities where no one is hungry and no resource is wasted. The coalition played an important role in stewarding the suite of compost related resources, upon the dissolution of the Highfields Center for Composting in 2014 and is currently working to expand available information and educational resources about the Vermont Food Recovery Hierarchy.
The Food Cycle Coalition helps the Agency of Natural Resources stay informed on how to connect Universal Recycling to the food system and develop outreach materials for farmers and food enterprises about the opportunities emerging as the law is implemented.
VSJF maintains a suite of online composting resources (originally developed by the Highfields Center for Composting – and acquired by VSJF after Highfields dissolved as an organization in 2014). It serves as a resource for farmers, haulers, restaurants, food rescue organizations, and residents, as well as those outside of Vermont who are learning from our process.