Funding for the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund comes from a variety of state, federal, private foundation, and corporate sources.
Funding for the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund comes from a variety of state, federal, private foundation, and corporate sources.
Diversity in our funding mix is core to the sustainability of our organization and we are always interested in exploring new Vermont sustainable economic development funding partnerships. Funders seek our partnership to advance our shared goals for accelerating Vermont’s agriculture and food system, forest product, waste management, renewable energy, and environmental technology sectors.
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund is not a state agency, but rather a nimble and adaptive 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with strong ties to state government. We are able to leverage our comprehensive networks of individuals and organizations in any of our designated economic sectors to strengthen connectivity, alignment, and action that lead to the sustainable development of our economy. Our networks include:
Our success in providing network development, business assistance, strategic planning, and value chain facilitation helps our funders achieve their goals more effectively.