• Hannah Baxter Joins Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund

    The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) announces the hire of Hannah Baxter as Farm to Plate Network Manager. VSJF is a nonprofit organization providing business assistance, value chain facilitation, network development, and strategic planning in agriculture and food systems, forest products, waste management, and energy...

  • WheelPad Entrepreneur Julie Lineberger is Keeping Families Together

    The founder of WheelPad L3C, Lineberger and her team create fully accessible housing for veterans, seniors, and people with spinal cord injuries or debilitating illnesses.   Julie Lineberger, founder and president of WheelPad L3C, received an unwelcome phone call in 2010 that would change the trajectory of...

  • Local Food Spending Insights Revealed

    Room for Growth Needed in Regional Food Consumption The New England Food System Planners Partnership just released a detailed analysis of local food spending in New England – Regional Food Count 2022. The report reveals that $2.28 billion or 3.1% of New England’s total $120.6 billion...

  • Business Sense – complete FREE training series for entrepreneurs and small business owners now available

    Business Sense is a no-fluff source of information that gets right to the heart of what small business owners need: essential tools and relevant resources to help their businesses grow. The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF)’s just released the complete set of six modules of its...

  • Annual Vermont Forest Industry Summit Highlights Innovation in Regional Forest Economy

    Northern New England has an opportunity to develop a new bioeconomy that will transform forest management, and commercialize products made with sustainably harvested wood that will contribute to the rapid reduction of single-use plastics in demand by consumers worldwide. The 2024 Vermont Forest Industry Summit offered...

  • Rock Rabbit wins the Vermont-based DeltaClimeVT Energy 2024 business accelerator; Moduly secures pilot

    After three months of intense focus, camaraderie and both virtual and in-person learning, The DeltaClimeVT Energy 2024 business accelerator announces Rock Rabbit as the peer-selected winner. Fifteen entrepreneurs from eight start-ups focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by enabling the acceleration of electrification graduated from the...

  • DeltaClimeVT Founder Stories – Qilo

    Through a pilot with Vermont Electric Coop, software startup Qilo is helping utilities understand the impact of electrification on both consumers and the grid. Electrification of, well, pretty much everything, is widely seen as a path to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and curbing greenhouse...

  • A Farm, a Family, a Way of Life

    The third and fourth generation owners of Monument Farms Dairy navigate the business, the legacy, and the future of one of Vermont’s last independent dairy farms. If the James and Rooney family could bottle and sell the authenticity, quality, and humility behind Monument Farms Dairy, they...

  • DeltaClimeVT business accelerator selects Energy 2024 cohort

    The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) announces the selection of the Energy 2024 cohort of the Vermont-based DeltaClimeVT business accelerator. Eight early-stage energy companies from across the U.S. and Canada will work directly with Vermont utilities to contribute to Vermont’s 90% renewable by 2050 and Burlington’s...

  • Can Vermont Become a Regional Hub for Forest Innovation?

    Jared Reynolds at the Vermont Forestry Accelerator thinks so, and he has a plan. By Christine McGowan, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund One of our country’s great legacy industries, the forest products industry hasn’t changed much in the past century. But that’s something Jared Reynolds, manager of the...

  • New England Feeding New England Project

    [caption id="attachment_6593" align="alignleft" width="203"] A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience - NEFNE Report[/caption] The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) is providing important leadership for a new initiative called New England Feeding New England (NEFNE), aimed at increasing 30% of the food that is produced and...

  • Highlighting the 2023 Farm to Plate Annual Report

    Last year was a hard year on Vermont farmers and food businesses. A late spring frost resulted in significant losses for fruit growers, the July floods inundated farm fields of all types, though produce and hay crops were hit especially hard, and global grain shortages...